Clinics We Offer
Chronic Disease Clinics
Our chronic disease clinics run all year round. If you suffer from a chronic disease, you will usually be invited to one of our clinics via a reminder letter for an annual review and blood test. We hold clinics for:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Chronic Heart Disease
- Stroke/TIA
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Our healthcare assistants test your INR levels with a fingertip sample and give you your result straight away. Reception staff will then give you your new dosage requirements and your next appointment before you leave.
Child Immunisations
These are held regularly by our practice nursing team. You will be sent an appointment for your child's immunisations. Please contact the surgery if this is not convenient.
Cervical Smears
Please book an appointment with a practice nurse.
Contraceptive tablets: our doctors are able to discuss and initiate many different forms of contraceptive tablet with you. Once you are settled on particular tablet you can arrange for a repeat prescription of your pill by filling out this form which you can then either drop into us or submit attached to an e-consult. Your form will be reviewed by our nursing team who will decide whether a prescription can be printed and issued directly or whether they need an appointment to discuss it further (this could be by phone or face to face).
We are hoping in time that this will reduce the number of appointments for low risk pill repeats.
You will receive pill scripts for signing (hopefully in the main via the EPS system) as we hope to turn prescriptions around in 48 hours like we do with other requests for medications.
This is a trial and will be audited in the first month and beyond.
If you see a low risk pill user – please start to inform them of this process going forward for future requests.
Contraceptive implant (nexplanon): A number of our doctors and nurses can fit the contraceptive implant. Once inserted it works for up to 3 years with no delay in return to normal cycles once removed. If you think you may be interested in this method of contraception please make an appointment to discuss it.
Intra-Uterine Devices (copper coil and hormonal coil): please make an appointment with your GP or nurse practitioner to further discuss this contraceptive option in the first instance. A subsequent appointment will then be made with a trained member of staff who can insert and remove these devices.
Joint Injections
if you have a painful joint, either from a long-term muscular injury or joint problem like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, in some cases an injection of steroid can give considerable pain relief and a better range of movement. Joint injections are only really suitable for long term problems, so acute joint injuries like a twisted knee or sprained wrist are not suitable but if you have a long term (2 or more months) joint problem and this is something you would like to consider the service is freely available. Please call and book an appointment.
Maternity Services
You will be referred to a midwife for your maternity care and appointments are arranged direct with them.
Post natal clinic - please make a double appointment with your GP as soon as you can after the birth of your baby. This appointment will include a 6 week check for your baby.
Please make an appointment to discuss this with the GPs and practice nurses.