Specialist Nurses
Community Midwives
If you think you may be pregnant, arrange to do a pregnancy test via a kit purchased from the pharmacy. If your test is positive, make an appointment to see your doctor who will then refer you to one of the community midwives. Please ensure you make the receptionist aware that you need a first antenatal appointment with the doctor.
The midwife will then make arrangements for your antenatal care. This is usually shared between the midwife, the GP and in some cases, a consultant obstetrician.
Community Nurses
The district nursing team consists of qualified registered nurses and a specialist trained care assistant. They provide skilled nursing care, following an assessment of the individual’s and carers/family members’ needs, to housebound people in their own homes or in residential care.
The district nurses provide specialist community care, which includes the management of wounds, continence, chronic disease, various acute illnesses and cancer. Subsequently, they also undertake many nursing procedures such as dressings, administration of injections, ear care, bowel care and investigative tests. This care is provided in close partnership with the individual, their family/carers, the GPs and allied health professionals and agencies.
The majority of the district nurses’ work takes place in the patient’s own home/residential home.
The district nurses can be contacted on 02380 428488 - Monday to Friday, between 08:30 and 16:30.
Health Visitors
Health visitors are qualified nurses with additional training in child and family health. They advise on a variety of health related issues, but they work mainly with parents, carers and children under the age of 5 advising on all aspects of a child's well-being and development.
The health visiting service hold Child Health Clinics on the following days:
Every Wednesday between 09:30 and 12:00 at Totton Community Centre
Every first Tuesday of the month between 09:30 and 11:30 at Mulberry Community Centre, Marchwood
The health visiting team can be contacted on 02380 427518.
Practice Nurses
Our practice nurses can treat minor illnesses; give wound and ulcer care; offer immunisations, travel advice, contraceptive care and health promotion. They can also carry out cervical smears and chronic disease reviews. Our nurse assistants can perform blood tests and other basic health checks.
Healthcare Assistants
The HCA's can monitor blood pressure, fit 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure machines, conduct NHS Health Checks, apply dressings, remove stitches, perform spirometry, dopplers and ECGs and process teledermatology referrals.